Thursday, August 15, 2013

What A Fun Summer

Here is a complete list of all the fun things I have done this summer.

And that's it!

Just kidding, I've had a little bit of fun.
For starters, I got a summer job at an auto parts warehouse.  My job was warehouse picking. All day, I pulled around a big box and scanned items and put them in the box.  Then when that box was full I would do it again.  Sounds boring, so let's throw in some fun statistics!

Throughout my job this summer I:
  • Worked 498 hours (dang, I was so close to a cool number!).
  • Scanned ~ 76,000 items.
  • Swore ~ 1,500 times. (I figure 25 a day is a pretty good estimate. And that's only 3 an hour, so it's barely PG-13)
  • Made more money than both of my Alaskan summers combined!
I worked with a bunch of old dudes, and they loved making fun of me.  Which I was completely ok with.  I guess one of these guys went to college and now he's a "cardboard technician."  He goes around and picks up empty cardboard boxes.  So they are looking forward to me graduating college so I can go back to the warehouse and be a cardboard technician.  

Every couple of days, one of the old dudes would ask another, "How is {wife's name} doing?" and everyone would bust out laughing.  I never understood what was so funny about it.  It took me about a month but I finally figured it out.  It's like a mystery/riddle thing.  Can you figure it out?

Answer:  This question was asked to those workers wearing "wife beaters" or those undershirt/tank top dealies.  So when someone would wear a wife beater to work, someone else would ask how their wife is dealing with being beat.  ha. ha. Crazy old dudes. 

Whew, that's a lot of blogging!  I really did do some fun things this summer, but I think it's going to have to wait for another post.  Which may be a long long time from now, so don't get too excited.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

McD's Needs Me

I don't always see my bosses.  But when I do, they beg me to become a manager and work with them through the summer.  
Thanks, but no thanks.

All the people I work with complain about not getting enough hours.
If I said "yes" to every time they wanted me to come in, I would have a full-time fast food job.

I think it's safe to say that this is my last fast-food job.  Thanks for all you have taught me, Ronald McDonald.

Only 2 more months.  

I love my job. (cynicism)

SL7 Adventures

There was this concert at the college a couple weeks ago.  My roommate Casey loved it so much that he stole one of the posters advertising it and got it autographed.  He's really obsessed with this poster. So he hung it up in our apartment and it takes up the whole wall.  I, personally, think it's the stupidest thing ever.  I mean, it's a poster advertising a dude that no one knows.  But there is no way Casey was going to let anyone take it down.

So I don't know what it is about girls around here, but they think it's really funny to "start wars" with our apartment.  One day, we came home and all of our couch cushions were missing and there was a sign saying "Let the hunger games begin - Apt. 10."  We wanted to show them that we truly did not care to start a war with them.  So we lived without cushions for a week.  Then they felt bad and brought them back.  We won.

Anyway, another apartment wanted to start wars with us.  So they came in our apartment and stole our Rock Band Drums.  I chased them down saying, "Wait! Take this poster!"  And I gave them the poster that Casey loves so much.  I thought it was a perfect plan to get rid of that thing.

Well Casey found out what I did and that was the beginning of the 2nd blowup our apartment has ever had this year (2 arguments for 6 months is pretty good if you ask me).  I was showering when he came home knowing what I had done.  He started pounding on my bathroom door saying some choice words.

The funny thing about Casey is that he is the Elder's quorum president, so anything he says, we mess with him.

"As the elder's quorum president once said {{insert harsh thing Casey said}}"

Casey ended up feeling really bad and gave me candy to make up for it.

We got the poster back... and Casey has the plan to steal the girl's bathroom door to make up for the pain they gave him by stealing the poster.