Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hold Your Colour

A lot has happened since I last blogged!  I'll start out by announcing something major.  I decided to grow a mustache for the last week of March.  Most people believe in mustache March, but I'm sticking to the last week.  This experience has taught me 1 thing: There sure as heck isn't going to be a mustache May!!!  I've had numerous comments (some anonymous messages)  about how gross it is.  I've got a few more days of growing, then I'll post a pic so everyone can enjoy it with me.

Last weekend was the Holli Festival of Colors.  I kidnapped 2 of my roommates and one of my work-buddies and we stayed at my house so we could attend.  The color-fest was so fun!
This picture was taken before all the colors mix together and becomes a brown cloud of nastyness.  We were all somewhere in that crowd struggling to breathe and to not die in general.

 Here is one of us after all the madness.  Unfortunately we're all just brown and dirty!  
Though it was tons of fun, the best part was probably showering! :)

The rest of the weekend consisted of ping-pong, movies and the HUT!  Basically all my Payson friends which I never see anymore got together and we went up Payson Canyon where there is a secret hut made of sticks. We made a fire, told stories, and caught up.  This was the first time we all got together since high school, and may be the last time for a very very long time!  A bunch of my friends are going on missions or moving away.

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