Friday, October 3, 2014

Lily Dog

Ever since our first month of marriage, Danielle sneaks "puppy" on the weekly shopping list.  Isn't she a silly head? Well one day she sat me down and said, "We need a puppy."
She had obviously been thinking about it a lot because everything I had to say against getting a puppy she had a rebuttal.  The next day we were looking at puppies for sale.

There was a nice litter of 7 where the mommy was a Yorkie and the dad was a schnauzer and that's where we got our little Schnorkie, Lily!

Our little ball of fluff was about a pound when we got her

She sleeps in weird positions.  She generally is hyped up for about an hour, then instantly passes out (after peeing on our floor, of course)

I have always wanted a dog to give myself a dog-beard. 

Danielle and I have had a mix of emotions about our new addition.  It was about day 3 where we tried to sell her back to her litter because of her constant whining.  But now I think we're going to keep her!  She knows how to sit and can almost lay down.  She is pretty good at peeing either on her pee-pad or holding it until we go outside, but she loves to pee on our carpet in spite of us when she's mad.

Here she is being tolerant of her loving parents!  

Stay tuned for Halloween.  She already has a nice costume ready to go.