Thursday, April 5, 2012


In the beginning of the year we got assigned this "big project."  Even though this semester project is due in 5 days and I barely thought about it for the first time today, I am not a procrastinator.  Think of it this way: I know for a fact that everyone else in the class is going to do the project 1-2 days before its due.  Now if you put the class on a bell curve of when they start the project, I'm on the far right of the curve.

This probably doesn't make any sense...but in my defense it is 4 am and I just finished the project.  In your face procrastinators!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Annual Song Scrawl

I decided I'm starting a tradition. I've been doing this for 2 years already so I think it's a good idea to keep it going. I'm going to write and record one song a year.

(click on the links to listen)


Walking On

This is something I love doing. I'd love to do it more but it's not cheap professionally recording songs and I'm not clever enough to write tons of songs haha. But I am writing my 2012 song right now and I'm super excited about it! I figure in like 10 years I'll have this sweet album that shows how things change and it'll be The Story Of My Life (or something gay like that)

Failure By Design

Snow College does this thing where the more earned credits you have, the earlier you can register for next semester classes.  I am 1 credit short of registering for classes yesterday.  But instead I have to wait for another 4 days.

So there are these Snow College teachers that are just awful (and that's being nice).  I need to take Calculus next semester and this one professor dude is miles better than the other three.  Each Calc class has 20 seats, here is where the open seats are right now (professor names have been changed for confidentiality)

Harold: 20 open seats
Kumar: 20 open seats
Jack Black: 5 open seats

You see, I would really like to take Calc from Jack Black.  But apparently everyone else at Snow College does too.  Right now I'm taking Trig from Kumar and let's just say that people aren't signing up for his class for a reason. 

The next class I would really like to take is Human Biology.  This professor dude is well-known for being an easy A, while still being 4 science credits needed to graduate.  His class started with 100 open seats and it's down to 20.  

I will be very happy with my schedule next year if I can get in these two classes!  But for now all I can do is check the open seats hourly (haha) and hope that it doesn't fill up in the next 4 days!  Other classes I'm probably going to take are boring ol' English, weight training, and convocations